
Thursday, January 27, 2011

ah the baby steps of western media...

In this New York Times article (Jan 27th 2011) the reporter slowly wobbles away from calling those who toppled the Banana Republic in Lebanon mythical anti west monsters, but.. he still uses sectarian labels, obviate Lebanese nationalism and fixates on the colonial idea that Lebanon must be Syria's colony, or somebody's. The reporter also speaks of how is the US to have clout in Lebanese. Isn't the premise of decolonization that the west would work with other countries, and not manipulate them?
Baby steps!

In this older article they acknowledge that GMA fought off the Syrian occupation "then was exiled", but they skip that he led the only underground, and pacifist liberation movement until 2005.

Granted he visited dictatorships, but is shunning these neighbors, or communicating with them the answer? It's colonial to deny democratic middle easterns the chance to influence neighboring pre-democraties, and that starts with... visits.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

oh no, using Hezbollah as a smoke screen, to cover for corrupt allies is not working

In this New York Times article, the new prime minister Najib Mitaki, and Hezbollah are cited for insisting that they are not after a Hezbollah take-over, but simply join the patriotic party in demanding a functional country. This however is no match for the ingrained sectarian stereotypes that the same article perpetuates about Lebanon. Divided, religious fault lines... these are the ivory-tower terms that distant and out of touch observers repeat about Lebanon. The west is apparently not ready to admit that the natives of yet another ex-colony, Lebanon in this case, are capable of national sentiment and sophisticated political choice.

On the west supporting Hariri, Gen. Aoun asked, "Why do those countries want to rename a person accused of directing false witnesses in the international investigations", and on Hariri's corruption he asked "what would other countries do if they had millions of dollars missing like in Lebanon".

Saudi Foreign Minister Saud Al Faysal's says he's concerned about divides in Lebanon, but that's more wishful thinking than concern. This is the same old colonization method, forbidding Lebanese people from re-constructing their country, while claiming to be "helping them".

Here's what the Gen. Michel Aoun had to say about the blind support of the west for Hezbollah.

لا يمكن لكل دول الأرض أن تفرض علينا الحريري
العماد ميشال عون في لقاء صحافي بعد إستقباله السفير مايكل وليامز
نذكّرهم بأن "لبنان أكبر من يبلع وأصغر من أن يقسّم"

إستقبلت اليوم السفير مايكل ويليامز ممثّل الأمم المتّحدة في بيروت، وبهذه الصفة طرح عليّ أسئلة حول الأزمة اللبنانية وبدوري حمّلته رسالة لجميع الأمم التي يمثلها، فسألته ماذا يحصل في بلدانكم أو في أي بلد ديمقراطي مع رئيس حكومة إذا اكتُشف أنه مرتكب لخطأ فأجابني "بالطبع يكون هناك محكمة"، سألته "في أي دولة ديمقراطية من تلك الدول التي تمثلها، أو في أي دولة ديمقراطية في العالم ماذا يحصل مع رئيس حكومة إذا كان هناك هدر في أموال الدولة وسرقة؟؟" فأجاب "يكون هناك محكمة" سألته هل يمكن أن يعاد تعيينه قبل مثوله أمام المحكمة؟ فأجاب لا. فقلت له لماذا إذاً تريد كل تلك الدول إعادة تعيين شخص متهم وهناك قرائن تدل على إدارته شهود الزور في التحقيق الدولي؟ هذا بالإضافة الى عشرات المليارات المفقودة على يده وعلى يد خطه السياسي وهو يغطي، من جهة يغطي شهود الزور، ومن جهة أخرى يغطي الأموال المفقودة والتي لا يريدون أن يقدموا أي حساب عنها.
كان السفير صامتاً معظم الوقت ولم يكن لديه أجوبة كثيرة، وانصرف متمنياً لنا الخروج من هذه الأزمة. وأنا أريد أن أطرح هذه الأسئلة على كافة الذين يتعاطون معنا بموضع الحكومة. فنحن عندما قلنا إن الحريري يجب ألا يعود للحكم فقد عنينا ما نقوله، وذلك ليس لأننا مختلفون معه أو لأننا على خلاف مع "السنّة" كما يشيع البعض، ففي الطائفة السنية أشرف الرجال وفيها أكفأ الرجال، أما من يعتبر منهم موقفنا التفافاً عليهم أو إهانة لهم فهؤلاء هم من يهيننا، إذ لا يمكنهم أن يفرضوا علينا شخصاً كهذا، ولو جاءت قوى الأرض كلها لا يمكننا أن نكون في دولة لها دستورها وقوانينها ولا نحترم هذا الدستور وتلك القوانين.. فإذا جلسنا حول طاولة لنتحاور فوفقاً لأي أسس سيكون حوارنا لنجد حلاً للقضية؟؟ أليس وفقاً للقوانين؟ أليس وفقاً للدستور؟؟ أليس وفقاً للتقاليد الإيجابية؟ فبأي منطق يطلبون منا ما يطلبونه.
هذه هي الرسالة التي أوجهها لكل لبناني، فلا يطلب مني أحد أن أويد أو أقبل بحل أقل من تحقيق ومحاكمة في كل المخالفات التي حصلت، ومن يقبل أقل من ذلك يكون مشاركاً، وليعرف كل الشعب اللبناني.

س: يبدو أن المسعى الذي قام به الوزيران القطري والتركي قد توقف، وبالأمس سمعنا وزير الخارجية السعودي يتحدث ربما للمرة الأولى عن تقسيم لبنان، فهل الوضع خطير لهذه الدرجة إذا لم يعد الحريري الى رئاسة الحكومة؟
ج: من لديه جيش ليفرض به التقسيم فليأتي به ويقسّم، لبنان لن يقسم .. لبنان أكبر من أن يبلع وأصغر من أن يقسّم، هذا الشعار أطلقته في العام 1978، وصار عمره 32 سنة، قلته يومها للاري بوب الذي كان مسؤولاً عن "Lebanon desk" في الخارجية الأميركية وكنت موفداً الى هناك بشأن تجهيزات الجيس اللبناني، فقال لي أي جيش تريد أن تسلّح؟ أين جيش لبنان وأين لبنان؟؟ لبنان قد يقسّم، فأجبته في حينه لبنان أكبر من أن يبلع وأصغر من أن يقسّم.
لبنان لن يقسّم شاءت أميركا ذلك أو لم تشأ، شاءت إسرائيل ذلك أو لم تشأ.. ونطلب من الولايات المتحدة أن تتذكر كيف تقوم بالتدقيق المالي في مصلحة الضرائب (Tax control) على بعض اللبنانيين الموجودين لديها، وكيف تعريهم وتبحث في كل قرش لديهم.. فهل تسمح لنا أن نقوم ليس بـ "Tax control" بل بخزينة "control" وأن نقوم بالحساب الرسمي لخزينة اللبنانية؟؟؟ هل يمكن أن " يحلّو عن ضهرنا"؟؟ جريمتنا أننا نريد أن نبني بلداً حديثاً فيه قوانين ونظافة، وهذا ممنوع علينا.. يجب أن نكون فاسدين وأن يشتمونا وهكذا يمكنهم أن يجرونا. هم يدعموننا في السلطة إذا كان شعبنا يرفضنا ونصبح منفذين لهم. لا.. نحن نريد شعباً نظيفاً وحكومة نظيفة تحترم القوانين الأخلاقية والنصوص القانونية ونريد أن نكون أقوياء ومستقلين.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Lebanon upgrades Prime Minister, the west still stuck on old sectarian labels

This is amusing: today the religiously diverse Lebanese opposition succeeded in nominating a new Prime Minister, Najib Mikati, but this BBC report still uses contorted racist sectarian labels (labels by religion) to describe the situation . It's like watching a Pilgrim come to grips with the fact that there's more to American Natives than their breed. Will sophisticated political choices of the Lebanese opposition, which rejects bigotry, ever stop going over the head of western media?
Besides, how can the west look us in the face and tell us that "mini Hariri", a daddy's boy that did nothing but drown us in debt, one who bought a fake college degree, is a better choice than a self-made business man with a real education from a US university? What is it with US-affinity towards corrupt Banana Republics, and their discomfort with national sentiment is emerging democracies? I believe that is called colonialism. Hopefully Americans will grow out of it soon, we kind of need them to join the 21st century, in that sense.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

US gov, Israel, the Saudi regime and Banana Republics on one side, and natives on the other

US, Israel, the Saudi regime seem to be collaborating as colonizers of the Middle East and North Africa. The Saudi regime supports Banana Republic, the well known loop hole after colonization became illegal. The US and Israel call these Banana Republics "pro-west" and "defenders of democracy". They also describe the opposition to the Banana Republic in Lebanon as an "anti-west" monster. This simply covers for these corrupt governments and their Saudi backers.

The Washington post, in this article on Hariri's death, again mystifies the Lebanese opposition and covers for a corrupt and exploitive ruling class in Lebanon just because it's willing to be a pon government at the service of the Saudi and US regimes. How shocking, coming from Obama whom we all campaigned for because we thought he is sophisticated enough to end colonization.

The manipulative divisive foreign policy of the US is the reason why the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act was passed in 2005, and apparently forgotten in the case of policies towards Lebanon.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Hellen Thomas award

some links to bring you up to speed:

I'm sure by now you have heard the news about Wayne State University's decision to drop a journalism award that has been given in the name of Helen Thomas for more than twenty years. WSU's decision came after Thomas made comments about Zionism's stranglehold on "Congress, the White House, Hollywood and Wall Street" which WSU officials considered 'anti semitic'.

Here are some links to the story:

In a move that was offensive to all who believe in academic and journalistic freedom, Wayne State University decided to change the name of the journalism award named after one of the University’s most esteemed alumni. Helen Thomas, the 90 year old esteemed Arab American journalist and former Dean of the White House Press corps. Thomas is perhaps the best-known alum of WSU, having covered every President of the United States from the last years of the Eisenhower administration until the second year of the Obama administration. Her courage and independent questioning earned her a deep respect from her colleagues and the American people.

Unfortunately, some “public servants” at Wayne State University have reportedly been waiting for an excuse to rename the award after many supporters of Israel attacked Thomas for recent comments about getting the Israelis out of Palestine. The comments led to her forced resignation from her job. Most recently, at a conference December 2nd in Dearborn, Thomas remarked "Congress, the White House and Hollywood, Wall Street are owned by Zionists. No question, in my opinion." WSU leaders said they considered the remark anti-Semitic and pulled the award the following day.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Emerging technologies that would make sense to import to Lebanon

I often see ads on Lebanese websites for trading in oil, or in the same old stock market, and I laugh. We're a renaissance waiting to happen, once the Banana Republic gets out of the way. Why would we do things the same old way?

There are some technologies, emerging around the world, that could propel Lebanon into the future. These cost a fraction of the budgetary spending made by the Saniora and Hariri cabinets between 2006 and 2009, and the $11 billion they embezzled, undocumented.

Eliodomestico, an energy passive desalinator for water

Graphene electrodes for making organic solar cells practical:

Maybe a solution to traffic and road maintenance in Lebanon, Australian built Hoverbike prepares for takeoff.

Camera gun, which provides a humane alternative to hunting.


Potawatomi digester to produce energy

Futuristic SeaOrbiter vessel (French architect), set for October construction.

3D-Printing with Nano-Precision, an industry that produces high-precisions parts, without the pollution and harsh conditions of a factory.

FanWing aircraft that uses a fan on the wings to blow air over it. It only needs 15 meters to take off, which means in small Lebanon this aircraft can transport patients, urgent supplies from and to short airports.

a revolutionary way of teaching, for free: Daphne Koller: What we're learning from online education | Video on

Stone Spray builds architecture from the ground up: instead of using expensive bricks and masonry, we would be able to "spray" on Lebanese houses.

High-efficiency solar energy tech turns water into steam - from Rice University

GVentilation shafts cladded with greenery, from Imagine this at the Zouk power plant ventialtion shaft.

Smart Bra May Replace Mammograms: apparently water pollution in Lebanon and the surrounding triggers cancer, among other diseases

Because toxicity from chemicals is not a detail: Warner Babcock Institute for Green Chemistry

Animal shelters that show case the intelligence of animals: driving school for dogs in New Zealand.

For less traffic in Lebanon, maybe we can all have jetpacks: Redesigned Martin Jetpack deliveries expected to start in 2014

Self-lighting sidewalk, means actual sidewalks in Lebanon, and less spending on street lights PRO-TEQ: spray applied elastomeric polyurethane - polyurea coatings.

High-Tech Sensors Help Old Port City Leap Into Smart Future : Parallels : NPR: